Focused Thinking


As the world recovers from COVID-19, investors will not lose sight of Sustainability, the trend of ESG issues will become more central to investing and business decisions will accelerate; this is already occurring.


Gender-Related Finance Set to Accelerate Japan’s Sustainability Agenda

Investors and corporates are looking to finance to tackle gender inequality in Japan.

4 min read | May 2022

Emerging Markets

Russian Invasion of Ukraine to Turbocharge Renewables Deals

The Russian invasion of Ukraine could provide the 'jolt' that gives renewables the scale needed to deliver the EU’s climate policies

2 min read | May 2022


How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping ESG Ratings

Some of the biggest global investors including Japan's Government Pension Investment Fund are using computer algorithms to gain deeper insights into the ESG effectiveness of companies they invest in.

4 min read | April 2022


Japan Retail Investors Embrace ESG Amid Pandemic, Nomura Survey Shows

The results of Nomura Securities’ December 2021 Individual Investor Survey reveal that Japan retail investors are increasingly interested in ESG-aligned financial products.

3 min read | April 2022


ASEAN Green Taxonomy: Decoding Sustainability in Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia, a region prone to nature’s wrath, is accelerating efforts to lay down a classification system that will promote transparency around green activities.

5 min read | March 2022


Trading with a Conscience Reaches the Dealing Floor

ESG is starting to influence the trading floor as desks from equities to currencies are being asked to justify their green credentials to win mandates.

3 min read | February 2022


China’s Net Zero Goal – Mapping the Decarbonization Path of Asia’s Superpower

China committed to net zero by 2060 but what will it take to reach that goal for the world’s biggest energy consumer?

5 min read | January 2022


The 'S' In ESG: How Japan’s Employment Model Can be a Blueprint for a Post-Covid World

Japan’s brand of community capitalism is experiencing a renaissance that fits into today’s societies as companies grapple with incorporating social issues into their business models.

5 min read | January 2022


Sustainable Finance in Singapore: A Blueprint for the Region

Singapore’s public sector has spearheaded efforts to create a green financial centre

7 min read | December 2021


How Green is your ESG Fund?

Our analysis of popular ESG funds provides a toolkit to detect greenwashing and separate the most authentic green investments from the rest.

6 min read | November 2021


The ESG Revolution – Opportunities and Challenges for Companies and Investors

As corporates grapple with the growing need to reduce emissions and minimize the environmental impact of their products and services, the demand for sustainable infrastructure is rising.

3 min read | November 2021


COP26 Review

COP26 highlights: debate on ending coal use, US-China agreement, 1.5°C target

5 min read | November 2021

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